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My name is Kent Scott and I'm the owner and one of the teachers at Island English.  I'm from Ohio in the USA.  I graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in Philosophy in 1991 and came to Japan not long after.  I've been teaching for more than 20 years.  

I've used all my experience and knowledge to make Island English the best English school.  I want all our students to find the joy and sense of accomplishment that comes with speaking a different language.  Study, practice and speak; it's all great fun.







Don't be shy!Never be afraid of making mistakes! Open your mind!Keep smiling!Your English will be better!!!

My name is Yuki Matsuda.  I'm the manager of Island English.  I was born and raised in Ise, and I spent one year at High School in America before I came back to graduate from Kansai University of Foreign Languages.  I've been teaching English education to students ranging from kindergarten to adult for fifteen years and am qualified for J-Shine.  Now I'm teaching Eiken classes for elemtary to high school students as well as assisting for beginner classes.  

I'm the mother of two girls, one in High school and the other in University.  We spent one year together in Australia as a family when they were very young.  From my experiences I can give advice to students and their parents about English and even studying abroad.  

I try my best to encourage the students to have a broad vision of their future and help them get the skills they need to live their dreams.  


Hello, my name is Scott Arthur. I am from Houston, Texas, and I grew up in Port St. Joe Florida. I attended US Navy college and took correspondence courses on Information technology. I have been teaching English at Island for three years and I was recently promoted to Head Teacher. I have 14 years of teaching experience and I really enjoy my work! Let`s explore our world in English, see you in the classroom. 







皆さん、こんにちは!稲垣 舞と申します。





Hello, my name is Mai Inagaki.

After I entered Nagoya University of Foreign Languages, I traveled to Oregon in the USA for a long term study program. Before that I traveled to several foreign countries and saw first hand the very interesting cultural and lifestyle differences from Japan. Those great experiences expanded my opportunities multi fold and are now my treasured memories.

I’m the type of person that will focus strongly on whatever I’m interested in. Right now, my interests are foreign movies and drams, crafts, playing the ukulele, and listening to music. These days I also spend a lot of time using my cell phone to find interesting English websites to improve my skills.

Compared with other veteran teachers, I don’t have as much experience but I hope I can become a fun sister figure for the students and make learning enjoyable and valuable.

—Let’s study English hard together and pass the eiken tests!



Hello everyone!!!My name is Kyle Phillips and I am from Cape Town, South Africa. I moved to Australia with my small family and we lived on the east coast for about 5 years before coming to Japan. For the past 3 years, I've been the primary care-giver for my 12 year old son who is challenged by a learning disability. My wife is a full-time English teacher and I have become smitten by all the eager language students I've been lucky enough to meet. Over the years I've come to believe that patience and encouragement goes a long way to turn the daunting task of learning into a fun and fulfilling experience.I'd love to have a positive impact on ESL student's journey to English fluency.I'm looking forward to seeing you in the class room!

みなさん、こんにちは‼️ 南アフリカ共和国ケープタウン出身のフィリップス・カイルです。3人家族で、来日する前はオーストラリアの東海岸に5年ほど住んでいました。ここ3年間は学習障がいを持つ12歳の息子の主介護者でした。妻はフルタイムの英語教師で、幸いにも英語に熱心な生徒に出逢えて楽しい時間を過ごしています。コツコツとした努力と励ましが道のりの長い学習を楽しく充実した経験に変える事だと私は信じています。 みなさんが英語を得意になるまでの旅路にいい刺激を与えられたらと思います。教室で会えることを楽しみにしています!
















I was born in Shima in Mie Prefecture, and went to Nakiri junior high school (present-day Daio junior high school )and Ujiyamada high school. As I studied hard from the age of 13 to 15, I was sure my tenacious efforts would pay off.

However, I became stuck in the agonizing period of the seeming “no progress” when I was a high school student. I regret not having learned more efficiently when I was a junior high school student.

After graduating from high school, I entered Niigata University, Faculty of Education, and I got teachers' certificates for Industrial arts and Social Studies. Graduating from the University and returning home, I decided to become a cartoonist rather than a teacher because I wanted to know if I was up to the challenge.

Some of my relatives are cartoonists, so I made up my mind to work hard as an “apprentice.” However, I did not have enough time for that, because I had to spend more time doing a part time job. What was worse, my parents passed away, and I felt sad, and I went back to my hometown.

I regret not having lived up to my parents expectations and I hoped to hold a memorial service for them, both of which made me go back to Mie.

After that, I was working as a teacher for 10 years.

Then, I got to know students' potentials and greatness. In order to help better them, I tried hard to get teachers' certificate of elementary school.

However, my grandparents passed away, and since I became disappointed, and gave up my dream of becoming a teacher.

Going through with some jobs that were new to me, I found Island English School to be suitable for me, and I became a teacher at the school.

Taking a lesson from skills and experiences I had gotten through teaching, I came to know students' skills are great beyond description, and now I want to make them better.




こんにちは!桜木教室、常磐教室で英検講師、松阪教室で幼児、小学生のサポートを担当させてもらってます岡本海虹です。 私は元ISLAND生徒で昔からYuki先生やKent先生にお世話になってました。 小さい頃から英語が好きで中学生の時にオーストラリア、高校生の時にオーストラリアとアメリカに短期留学の経験があります。 生徒さんと歳が近く、子どもが大好きで自分が好きな英語にも触れ合っていてこのお仕事にとてもやりがいを感じています。 Island English を通じて、1人でも多くの子ども達に英語の楽しさ、英検の合格の喜びを実感してもらいたいです。

Hello, I’m Miko Okamoto teaching at Matsusaka and Ise. I used to be a student of Island English where Yuki and Kent took good care of me. English has been my favorite subject since I was a child. I was able to enjoy a short study abroad trip to Australia with Island English when I was in Jr. High school and to Australia and America when I was in High School. I’m not much older than the students teach. I love both English and children, so I’m very dedicated to teaching my students. I really want the students to enjoy English and feel confident in passing English tests.

これから高校、大学受験で必要とされるリスニング力は、受験生になったからといって急に習得できるものではありません。英検クラスでは英検のリスニング問題に加え、oxfordのreading treeの本の音読とCDを聞くことを宿題としています。これらの積み重ねでリスニング力が身についていきます。 
また小学生にとっては難しいと思われるような英文法もreading treeの本の中でも使われているのを見て、今勉強している文法は「普通に使う言葉なんだ」とわかってくれます。勉強した単語、文法を使ってどんどん英語で表現できるようになってもらいたいと思っています。 

I'm Megumi Ueda. I teach elementary school-level Eiken and grammar at Sakuragi and Tokiwa schools.

Students cannot rapidly acquire listening skills for High school and university entrance exams just because they become examination takers. Students there are supposed to do homework such as listening for Eiken and Oxford books, including “reading tree,” to read the book aloud, and to listen to CDs attached to the books. The more they practice, the better their listening ability becomes.

Also, elementary school students find that English grammar seemingly difficult for them will not be so difficult, through a book “reading tree.” I hope that they will be able to use English through words and grammar they have learned at our school.



 Tomoe こんにちは初めまして! ときわ教室で英検クラスを担当している西川智恵です。  カナダのトロント大学等で色々な国の人たちと英語を学び、3年程の時を過ごしました。 その間英語はもちろんですが、学校で出会った様々な国の人と交流し、その中でお互いの国について語り合うことで、苦手だった歴史や地理の知識が否応なしにぐんぐん身についていったのを覚えています(笑)。  これからも生徒のみなさんが英語に対して構えすぎずに、どんどん慣れ親しんでいけるようなお手伝いが出来たらなと考えています。

Hello, I’m Tomoe Nishikawa teaching Eiken at Tokiwa and Sakurai branches in Ise. I’ve been to Toronto University in Canada to study English with a very international student body for three years. At that time I spoke English with people from all over the world and we taught each other about our countries and cultures. Before that my knowledge of History and Geography was very low, but that experience taught me a lot about those subjects. Now I’d like to help our students to become familiar with English and to enjoy it so that they can see that language isn’t a huge obstacle for understanding the world.